
Student Life


To register for St. John the Baptist sports, please click here.

Athletic Handbook and Athlete Contract

For many students, athletics are an important source of exercise and discipline. St. John the Baptist School is proud to offer a variety of athletic teams for students in grades 5-8. We are proud of our gym facility that was built in 1995, and we offer competition that includes students of all ability levels. We offer the sports featured below:

Fall (Late August to early October)

  • Cross Country: Grades 5-8, Co-ed
  • Volleyball: Grades 5-6, Girls
  • Volleyball: Grades 7-8, Girls
  • Soccer: Grades 5-6, Co-ed
  • Soccer: Grades 7-8, Co-ed

Winter (November to February)

  • Basketball: Grades 5-8, Boys
  • Basketball: Grades 5-8, Girls
  • Archery: Grades 5-8, Co-ed

Spring (April to May)

  • Track: Grades 5-8, Co-ed
  • Tennis: Grades 5-8, Co-ed (Joint team with Holy Family)