There are many intangible benefits to choosing Catholic education. The one that seems to stand out the most to people is the sense of family that permeates the school environment. There is something unique and valuable about knowing that each family chooses SJB knowing its Christian values. Our scriptural values lift us up in good times and hold us together during tough times.
This sense of family is shared by our staff, students, and families. When describing why they stay at SJB, so many teachers describe their co-workers as their family. I’ve heard many stories of families dealing with struggles and difficulties. Often these families share that their friendships from SJB helped them get through the challenges. Also, we see day in and day out beautiful stories of our students caring for one another and helping each other out. Like any community, people make mistakes and fall short, but having a common set of Christian values to hold us together keeps us strong and resilient.
Family Highlights
Javelin Spirit Award – This fall and winter, we will be highlighting stories of students who live out their faith by showing love and kindness to their peers. These videos are posted on Facebook. Check them out and offer congratulations to the family for the recognition.
Parent Prom – I asked SAC to host a family social for our school parents that is not a fundraiser. The intent of this event is to bring families together to have fun. There is no cost! Come as you are and get to know some new families. I hope to see you there this Saturday!